My oh my, Dennis and I are at the end of our second day on the open highways. This evening we are just north of the New Mexico state line. Heading to Glendale Arizona with several more days of driving is our target.
This is the fartherest I have been from Stauffer Avenue for many years. Years past, I would take some of my vacation time from the courthouse and travel with Dennis when he loaded and brought live chickens to Worthington, Minnesota, for Campbell Soup. Many other loads were taken to Butterfield Foods for processing.
Dennis traveled to Utah, Montana, Wyoming and many points in between. The few trips I took with Dennis, I enjoyed, and it did give me a new perspective of what over-the-road truckers endured.
These last several days have been very relaxed and I enjoyed the countryside. Huge feed lots, farms with Lamas, Indian reservations and many miles of pastures full of the weeds that will become tumbleweed and blow at will.
Last night the computer connections were not available. Dennis estimates we are 1,000 miles from Stauffer and 1,000 miles from the livestock. I have thought about them. They have the run of the garage porch with a crack in one of the patio doors so they can do due diligence with the mice that are nesting under the lilacs.
Admittedly, I look forward to the little red pickup needing fuel. I am out of the cab and doing a bit of walking.
Right now it is time to rest for the morrow.