Totally Unloaded
From corner to corner and side to side, today the potting shed was totally unloaded and then will be ready for some restocking. It is a good thing that tomorrow is recycling pick up day. I do have several items sitting next to Stauffer Avenue that will have a “Free” sign on them. Many plastic pots from many years will no longer be taking up space. Fall is upon us and the potting shed looked more like a “panic room” than a tidy storage shed.
A time in the past, after I had retired, I was visiting with someone and I mentioned, “Today, I am taking it easy.” The other’s response, “From what?” It just makes me smile when the thought may be that retired people don’t put forth a lot of local effort to keep their property tidy. I may not be as fast as I have been in previous years, but I still fulfill my own expectations.