Coming and Going

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Our latest addition to the yard. Having Dennis close by does not seem to bother these two. To them, he represents food and shelter . . . he can’t be all bad.

We do have cats and kittens coming and going on the patio.  For Dennis and I, we have a hard time determining what should be ignored, what should be given a chance, and how many is too many.  The original rule still stands: no cats in the house.  Do you realize how hard it is when Snuggles stands on his back legs at the back door after following Dennis?

The latest two gray kittens are really growing.  One looks as if his daddy was an Angora.  I hope he grows into his fur of gray and orange.  Our backyard neighbor does have two Angoras in her home that I have seen outside on rare occasions.  Sweetie Pie, the mother of the two kittens, must be moving on up in the world.

Cats 001 (400x300)I have made peace with Stauffer Avenue being a safe haven for cats and kittens.  We do not have a cricket or any other type of crawling varmint in the garages or the patio.  As of late the huge hard shell moths have been the capture of choice.

Butter Ball seems to be oblivious of the kittens for the most part, as long as his patch of catnip continues to do fine.  There is no shortage of entertainment watching the kittens and cats on Stauffer Avenue.