It is about time for slowing up a bit for the day. For some reason, I was awake at 5:30 this morning. Well, I know the reason; I slept through the night and a bathroom visit was needed. I shocked Dennis when I toddled out to the porch with coffee in hand. It’s not uncommon for Dennis to be up early for the exact same reason that I was up, but after a bit the recliner gets a visit and he may nap for several hours.

I stayed out in the porch and drained several more cups of coffee. I decided I would go into the sewing room and clock in. The intent is to use up a bag of scraps that have been accumulating for several decades. This certain bag of scraps are all about 1.5″ to 2″ in width and various lengths. I don’t have the heart to throw away leftovers from the refrigerator or scraps of fabric. Most likely it comes from times when either one was in short supply.

The end result will be many, many 9″ blocks with multiple strips of fabric sewed side by side to make up the block. It is a pattern called “String Quilt.” There is no rhyme or reason to the choice of colors that will lay next to each other. There had to be many other quilters that could not bear to throw scraps away in order for there to be multiple images of “String Quilt” when I Googled it.

During the day, I wandered from the sewing room to the dining room every hour or so. With taking many breaks during the day, I was amazed how much I did accomplish both in the sewing room and also at the dining room table where I am working on hemming a quilt. Did the amount of progress make a believer out of me to get up at 5:30 again tomorrow morning? I wouldn’t bet on it.