So . . . how does one celebrate a 71st birthday enduring the lasting effects of shingles? A top priority was a cup of coffee to join Dennis in the porch. My first birthday greeting of the day came from Dennis, which was super sweet. In time, me in my pink bathrobe, with two kittens following close behind, checked out the far backyard. There was no chance of muddy feet as we are in need of a rain shower. Before long I had a pile of broken branches picked up. We don’t have a lot of traffic on Stauffer Avenue, but those that did pass by just gave a wave to the white haired cat lady walking the yard.

For this birthday, brother Calvin had a great email waiting for me this morning. Phone visits were received from son Kevin, my brother Micheal, sister Elvera and a surprise phone call from granddaughter Megan. Megan has passed and received her babysitter certificate and she is now able to stay with Nicholas while mom was running an errand. Megan and I had a half hour visit. Priceless.

I will admit during the course of the day I exchanged the pink robe for a green robe. I enjoyed a very lazy, laid back day. Towards evening I logged onto Facebook and responded in kind to each of the 40 plus birthday wishes that were posted. Several of the cards that came in the mail brought a chuckle with a dose of reality. Is 71 really the new 60?

The weather was such that towards evening, Dennis pulled out a bit of patio furniture. Spring is on track here at Stauffer Avenue and I know this year is going to be a great one for me . . . how could it not be? Family, friends and acquaintances all add to the quality of life that gives me a reason to smile today and many more days ahead.