I am so thankful that we have our garage porch. My favorite wooden rocker is in the porch and it was a blessing to have another spot to try and rock away some of the discomfort of the shingles. What helps is that Snuggles likes to curl up on my lap, purring incisively to make everything better. Who knew there could be so many parts of the body affected by shingles. It is 8:45 p.m. and I am trying to prolong going to bed. It has been many nights of being wide awake every several hours. I have been napping at a moments notice, and today I tried to suck it up and stay awake for longer periods of time. Dennis had a great idea of having soup for supper and that sat fairly good on the stomach, but did not alleviate the nausea or headache. All in do time. Patience, patience.