This was a day that really does not have much to show for itself. By the time we got home from the Super 8 pool it was noon and I could feel that I had done a good job of stretching and moving. We visited the pool three times this week and my lower back tells me it was a good thing. As with any area of the body that arthritis has dared to invade, continual moving will not remove it or cure it, but it allows the joints to continue at an acceptable level of function. The argument of ice or heat for inflamed areas has always been batted around. Ice is the friend of choice if a new injury is being dealt with to relieve the possible swelling. Arthritis needs heat to get as much blood flowing as possible around joints.

That being said . . . we had a great evening meal and I am going to do a bit of crocheting while I have heat on the lower back. If the pool pass and the heating pad can contain the pain, back surgery is not in my vocabulary. With knees and shoulders having been replaced, there has been some mobility that has been sacrificed. On the up side, I have no knee and shoulder pain and as far as the quality of life . . . it is sweet. I just am not up for any additional lack of mobility. I was quite blunt about some physical struggles after the second shoulder replacement in my blog stories. I am very comfortable having met and conquered those struggles, taking it one day at a time.

Life on Stauffer Avenue with Dennis is just priceless.