My Mama Always Said . . .

Dirty House

Our home getting a much needed bath.

My mama always said Saturdays were for cleaning house.  My sister Elvera will sometimes call to visit and she will ask “Well, are you done yet with your Saturday housework?”  Silly lady.

Today was literally a Saturday for cleaning the house.  We do have a gravel street to the south of us and the street to the west of us is a heavily used concrete House Washerstreet.  In the late fall of 2013 and even through the winter there is no end to what is thrust into the air from traffic.  Dennis has been a faithful house washer over the years.  It’s not as if he is doing it because he likes playing in the water. Our home just shines after he gives it a bath.

It seems as if the spring of the year beacons us outside and we don’t mind keeping our home and yard up to snuff.  Stauffer Ave is the sweetest place.