A Thawing Day

Wherever snow was hiding, it is getting a run for its money.  Say hello to mud.

Today I have laundry going and Dennis is in charge of changing it out as the cycles finish.

. . . Hmm . . . Dennis just pulled into Stauffer Avenue.  He doesn’t fool me, he gets around A-OK.  Oh well.

An ample bowl of crab salad is co-mingling in the refrigerator and I have chicken tenderloins sliced into chicken strips for supper.  


One more time there is determination to take care of Dennis’ recliner.  We have done the patching of the look-a-like leather.  We have done the fabric cover.  Today, I came up from the studio with my next fix.  Years ago we had room-darkening shades when Dennis was an over-the-road hauler.  Shade rollers can go bad.  I did not do away with the flannel backed vinal shades themselves.  Never underestimate my stashes.  With a strip of the Gorilla Duct Tape holding the covering to the top of the chair and doing a tuck, tuck here and there time will tell.  I can tell you, just getting that tape off of the roll is a work-out.  

Actually at noon Dennis had thought we would be taking a road trip tomorrow.  When he saw me in action with his chair, he let on that he thought it was time for him to check out Slumberland in Mankato for a new chair.  All of the components of his electric recliner work just fine.  It’s the dodgy covering that is crap-o-la.  There was ample amount of the shade so that when Dennis sat in the chair, everything pretty much stayed in place.  Again, time will tell.

Let’s hear it for farm-girl logic!

With that will take my leave.  ♥