A Fluttering
So it was promised, but at three this afternoon, it sure took its time to give us a fluttering of flakes.
The air is dry but it didn’t take long to cover the streets and give less visibility as I look out of my bedroom porch windows to the roof tops.
Our errand for the day was a trip to Lewis Drug. We had that accomplished before noon. Our car has not been driven on wet salty streets and today was no exception. Using the car as we drove out on the Hammond highway was good to get everything realizing it still must work when called upon. As I watch the traffic now, there is wet sticky stuff coming up from under the vehicle tires.
I take Metamucil everyday. It’s not a laxative, but more of a binder for my body’s waste. It is also very good for my heart. After paying the high price at Lewis Drug for a container, I know when we travel to Mankato on Monday for Dennis’ eye injection, I will be purchasing several containers for the same price I paid for one today.
The only good buy there is here in town is at the Dollar General. After Dennis had surgery for a blocked salvatory gland, he said his mouth always felt dry. Carrie tuned him into the hard candy called Lemon Heads. Tart is the key word to get the saliva going. Our grocer sells the bag of some 4 ounces for $1.89. Family Dollar sells the save size for $1.29. Let’s hear if for Dollar General at $1.00. Other than some colored Life Savors in their own little bag, the Lemon Heads take center stage. I may have one or two for the day. Dennis goes through many of them each day. If not a cigarette, it’s a Lemon Head.
The day is heavy and gray. It hasn’t done much for my level of energy. Even less than good days are part of the process. I just don’t make a habit of having too many in a row.
It has been a no-account day so our supper will be light. There are several meal entrées in the freezer that will be brought out with Mott’s apple sauce on the side as well as the last of the jellied cranberries from the refrigerator.
The snowflakes have ceased fluttering, but I must say this week has quickly fluttered by.
With that I will take my leave. ♥