Tuesday the 7th
Each day for me, being retired, is never the same one unto another. Each small nuance can shift the energy.
This morning, the coffee smelled especially good as I poured out my cup of the 14 total cups. The hot steam just rolled across the top of the cup. My coffee cup sits in the kitchen cabinet which is on the north wall of the kitchen. As hot as that coffee comes out of the pot which is on a hot burner, the coffee is hitting a cup that is quite cold. I don’t mess around enjoying it as it can cool quite quickly. I dare not sip while I walk me and the coffee to my bedroom porch. I am not steady enough to sip coffee and walk at the same time.
When I got myself settled on the cherry red chair, I found myself gawking. My command center from where I read, stitch, check out the computer and watch traffic was a cluttered mess. I have to take credit for it as other than Dennis perching in the guest chair at least once a day, it’s my own personal doings.
The mail slot is four feet from my chair. As I sort through it each day, there was a pile of junk mail that didn’t need to take up space. I am finishing a stitching project and the extra floss hanging from a light fixture over the desk should be taken care. My stash of books yet to be read has tipped over from the tidy array they had been on the west window sill.
The only thing to my credit is that there were no empty drink containers or used silverware adding to the mix.
I did get on it and decided a few items needed to be put back in the basement studio where I had fetched them from when I was finishing some small Christmas pillows. When I got to the studio, I got sidelined as there were some of my treasures from embroidering that needed a bit of a tidy.
As the day went on with me drinking coffee as I went from location to another, I did make inroads in my bedroom porch as well as in the studio.
It is now that part of the day to think on making supper. The fare will be baked potatoes, tilapia and cranberries.
Tomorrow morning, when I have toddled into my bedroom porch to enjoy that cup of hot coffee, I can perhaps sit in my cherry red chair, give it a swivel enjoying the tidy surroundings . . . for whatever short period of time that may be until it becomes looking very liked-in and all mine.
With that I will take my leave. ♥