Lots of sunshine on this Friday. I hear lots of lawnmowers that are mulching leaves and many more doing other yard work and not needing a jacket.
Dennis is anticipating AJ coming tomorrow from Mankato. It should be an interesting visit. Dennis has a brush burner. Last spring he rigged it up on our little trailer from Fleet Farm. At that time Dennis and Jeff were going to take care of some weeds on the acre. I watched as the two got ready. Jeff pulled the trailer behind his three wheel electric bike and Dennis was on the Sears mower. Tally-Ho!
It didn’t take too long and the work crew was back. That which had been the target to use the brush burner on was too green, it wouldn’t burn. What did burn was the trail of leaves that led to the homes to the south of us. Scurry, scurry.
Dennis has already cleared it with me as to what AJ can burn off.
My question: does the brush burner fall under the “No Burning” ban?
Today our calendar came in the post. Oh my gosh! We have a calendar in large print. Fantastic. I already have two appointments on it. A 2025 calendar containing these last months of 2024 is just what the older ones on Stauffer Avenue needed.
The studio has been closed down for the day. I will need to take my sewing machine to Bird Island for a general cleaning. It’s been 18 months. I know the thread cutters are in need of replacing. AJ is coming tomorrow and he can lift and put the machine in the car. I know when I get to Bird Island, Kelly will meet me at the door. All I need to do is call Amanda and Kelly and make the appointment.
I will take care of the sewing machine appointment and also a service visit to New Ulm for an oil change on the car. I am not a procrastinator. Those that are always prepared have the assurance that there is something to look forward to, thus giving them this day as a day to kick back and relax.
Supper is leftovers plus a salad.
With that I will take my take my leave. ♥