So It Is

Today is Wednesday the 18th and it seems as if this week has been so very long already.

Dennis’ son, Jeff, passed away Tuesday at the age of 60 plus 3 days.  No more cancer pain, no more a life that was unique.

Yesterday at the funeral home, arrangements needed to be made for someone that had . . . not much.  A valid driver’s license and $3.00.

Today, Jeff’s two sisters cleared out his apartment of, again . . . not much. 

I am so very thankful that Jeff and his dad, over these last four months,  shared many hours together in the patio porch.  Memories and experiences.

We all have within ourselves the inheritance of “the old Adam.”  He beckons, he tempts and he never lets up.  How amazing that most cast him aside and use the God-given days to His glory.

I have taken these last four months and have learned so much about myself watching someone struggle in pain, yet not be able to let go of what brought him to his own demise.  It no longer mattered to Dennis and myself what had been done years ago or yesterday.  Here was family that needed us.  Here was family getting another chance.  None of us ever truly knows what another is fighting through.  Perhaps the words cannot be found to share their challenges.  Judge not that ye may be judged.  I’ve never been able to pick up anyone else’s shoes to see if I can walk in them.  

Each day my goal is to be the forgiving person that God intends of me to be.  I will let Him take care of the things I cannot understand in others.

So it is that Dennis and I, here on Stauffer Avenue, want only what God has allowed . . . a giving, loving appreciation of each day.

With that I take my leave.  ♥