Oh What a Day

This Saturday has been busting at the seams.

Once a month we have a spa day just a few blocks to the west of our home.  We so appreciate Maria.  Pedicures bring with them healthy feet.  Maria pays just as much attention to Dennis’ left foot as the right foot that has its five toes.  Decades back I dropped a heavy item on my left foot and the toenails will not let me forget that.  Those nails grow differently then the nails on the right foot.  Gnarly little devils.  The haircuts that follow do not disappoint either. 

The two hours with Maria are full of wonderful chit chat.  I remembered that they settled in Glencoe when they came from the west coast.  Their last crop that they harvested were Vidalia onions before coming to Minnesota.  I reminisced with her about the Green Giant plant.  They had never worked in a cannery before.  She remembered about the huskers when I told her several of us farm wives car pooled for extra money during the corn pack and the huskers is what I worked at.  She said that it was the hardest thing to work, with all the noise and the conveyer belts when they were used to being outside.  The Tony Downs plant is what brought them to St. James.

Well, well.  Snuggles came home this morning.  It looks like a large animal bit him right over the hips.  The blood has dried and he went to the water dish and then to his basket.  If Harriet followed Snuggles into the thicket I wondered how Harriet fared as she is not home as yet.  Life on the wild side on Stauffer.

After the spa date we went on to the grocer’s.  As we drove into the drive, Dennis commented about a package on the front deck that my three month supply of catheters didn’t take long to come.

Lorde, Lorde.  There were some text messages that ensued to unravel the delivery of what will be an assist with my stitching.  I wasn’t going to open it right away, but . . . I did.  Dennis sat back and took all of the commotion in.  All parts are together.  It could either be floor model or table clamped.  The floor aspect was the choice after a bit of grunt work.  Tomorrow will be the testing day.  I already have a covering for the lamp . . .  the cat is out of the bag.  It is a lighted magnifying lamp.  I have heard of fires starting due to sunlight shining on magnifiers and it is and will be used by the south windows of my bedroom porch.

Grammie is always appreciative with the unexpected.  The issue was that Kevin, after reading my blog, ordered this lamp at 6:45 Friday night and it was on our deck this Saturday noon.  Amazing that eBay and Amazon are joined at the hip.  There are a lot of amazing thoughts about this lamp.  Sweet.

At the grocer’s I bought a bag of onions and several packages of real cheese.  Nichols, I got the message.  I also bought a rotisserie chicken.  Supper this evening will be chicken and potatoes with frozen corn.  Sometime in the next days, I will make a pasta oven meal using some or all of the chicken that is left.  There was a lot of meat as I was boning out the chicken.

With that I take my leave.  ♥