
Our lilacs are full of pollinators.  Quite a few bumblebees found their way into the patio porch.  What I have noticed is a fair amount of wasps by the front door.  That reminds me to take the roll of Gorilla Duct Tape into the attic and put it around that west-facing window.

The studio is closed for the weekend.  All projects have been completed and any new thoughts will need to take a breather.

Before Fleet Farm could close yesterday, Dennis bought and came home with a Proctor Silas coffee maker.  A buy at $33.00.  He had not even considered having to go to Cassey’s this morning for coffee.  Hopefully, the third coffee pot is charmed. 

Dennis has mowed what he felt needed it.

It’s a great day for the fishing opener.

It’s a great day for me having some time in my bedroom porch for either reading or stitching.

The coffee pot episode yesterday got quite a bit of my Saturday work done on a Friday.  Happy sunny Saturday to one and all.

With that I take my leave.  ♥