On a Roll

There are days that I can feel the arthritis knocking wherever it can find a viable joint in my body.  The only solution is to keep on rolling and moving until the aches don’t stand a chance of winning.

The studio stitching went great this forenoon.  33,000 stitches without a single glitch.  A project is underway.  I do know that a trip to Hobby Lobby is going to allow me to finish it.  It is rare that I didn’t have what was needed.

The wind chimes in the evergreen at the northwest corner of the house is tinkling just enough to make the day come off as possibly a spring day.  A pleasant sound compared to when the breeze is actually a 35 mph force that makes all things not tied down move to the next street over.

The afternoon’s event was peeling the remainder of some potatoes before a sprout was detected.  For my taste buds, nothing beats the enjoyment of a boiled potato with a meal.  It harkens many memories of a family of six around a round oak kitchen table. 

Cousin Mark called last night with a quilting dilemma.  For a fellow just shy of sixty, he enjoys his threads and fuzz.  Nothing so serious that it couldn’t be remedied with a photo and some texting back and forth.  It was fun catching up with him.

Chicken, boiled potatoes and cranberries for a wonderful supper.  What is not to like!

With that I take my leave.  ♥