Monday, a Waste

Friday of last week, I received a text that Dennis had an appointment in Mankato for this Thursday.  By the time I read the text all offices were closed.

Bright and early I called the number that had been left last Friday.  I was on hold for 35 minutes.  When I got through to a living being, I wanted to know what the appointment was for as we had requested nothing.  One of Dennis’ meds was referred to Mankato as St James clinic had no one that could fill it.  Wouldn’t you have thought that before letting a certain doctor go, they would have covered all the bases he had!  So to Mankato on Thursday we go.

I then received a text that there were questionnaires to fill out before Thursday.  That took another cup of my precious breakfast coffee.  Good grief.  Dennis had not seen a doctor for some time so the questionnaires started from way back when.

I still had an hour before twelve noon to tackle some Monday chores on the first level.

The mail arrived and there was a letter from our prescription provider.  The same prescription that is sending us to Mankato needs a request for coverage determination.  Dennis stayed in the house while I phoned the number in the letter.  Though it was hard to understand her English, we were moving right along.  Dennis had to give her his permission for me to take care of this.  We were on the last bit where our prescription provider would have a form sent to our doctor here in St. James.  Bam!  It all blew up.  There is no box number affiliated with our clinic’s address.  It is Mayo Clinic – 1101 Moulton and Parsen’ s Drive.  That is it.  Any mail, bill or what have you, has no box number with it.  Without a box number, I would need to call back when I have a fricken box number.  Breathe! 

By the way, the sun out bright with 52 degrees has taken some of the angst and that makes this Monday not a waste.  I have commented before, I wonder how many elderly fall in between the cracks with all the red tape that is mandated.  They have you over the barrel. 

With that I take my leave.  ♥