Sunday the 19th

It has been a very intense day for me.  I don’t even know what kind of weather we are having.

My goal was to have the brunt of the housework done so I could use my energy and time today, framing my counted cross stitch project.

It is scary when the project needed to be trimmed down to fit the frame I bought at Hobby Lobby.  I can always trim and cut more off, but if I cut it too close, I can’t put the fabric back.  What had been in the frame could not be taken out as it was a frame within a frame.  Ideally cross stitched finished pieces are laced onto a hard foam board for correct placement.  All I could do was put some quilt batting down and fit my trimmed piece over it.  The stitched piece would be tucked down in the space where one framed item was in the second framed item.  Ya . . . scary.

I needed to run a ribbon of glue onto the backside of the raw stitched piece on all four sides, one side at a time and then tuck it down and in.  I had four emery boards thick to wedge in between the fabric and the frame allowing the glue to set.  It was a slow process.  The only glue I had was E6000.  It was the same glue Kersten and I had used to glue the cement antler onto the cement deer.  Slow, slow.

Finished-StitchWhen all was glued down, I had a gap to fill.  Out came whatever stash I had of trims.  I chose the black with gold.  The baggie stated, “Clearance $2.00.”  With only five inches remaining, I tucked this around my stitched, glued down project.  

Dennis kept me company in the studio for moral support.  I needed it.  Tomorrow, the hanger on the back of this metal frame will be called in for duty.  The frame had been 50% off of $26.00.  Isn’t everything in Hobby Lobby 50% off?

With that I take my leave.  ♥