Rain Drops

Rain drops here and there.  That cancelled out work we had intended for the day.  Enough dampness to cause a greasy smear where there is no grass.  If nothing else the pigeon grass is heading out.  Hey, it is green.

The farm trucks have begun hauling in corn.  It is said to be testing out at 26%.  If farmers were going to store their own corn, it wouldn’t take long to run it through a dryer.

I have spent quite a bit of time in my bedroom porch today, either reading or stitching.  Watching traffic as well.  Surprise, surprise there goes the little red pickup . . . here comes the little red pickup.  Too funny.

It seemed at times this summer we were humping the days to get the job jar empty before cold weather.  We may very well have worked ourselves out of tasks.  This afternoon when I was sweeping the back steps off, I was very grateful not to have to spend any amount of time outside as the boxelder bugs are just plain nasty.

If the weather cooperates and we do spend some time tomorrow at the blue barn acre, it will be interesting to see if they are there as well.  There are no boxelder trees on the lot.