Big Change

The cold front that was mentioned in the weather news yesterday has made a big change.  I would say a huge change.

We didn’t get enough rain to amount to anything.

Today, I am back to being the little ole lady reading and stitching from her cherry red chair in her west bedroom porch.  I have taken nothing today for the body’s discomfort.  I have even noticed my left titanium knee is not cracking.  One should never lock one’s knees when bending over at the waist.  It is really hard to keep from doing it, but I did try.

Dennis is also doing the computer solitaire games today.  For both of us it is a deserved break from the last week where each day time was put in working on the front deck and then washing up the staining brush no later than 10:30 each day before the heat was upon us.

Dennis’ daughter stopped in this forenoon.  Her shift at Casey’s has ended up in more twelve hours days than not.  They are very short of help . . . what place of business isn’t.

Beans and wieners went over well for last night’s supper.  Neither one of us have done anything today to warrant anything called a supper.  I won’t be the one to bring it up first and see what happens.

Happy hump day!