Maybe one more day and it will feel as if the swelter of August will leave us be.
There has been dew on the grass which is more than can be said for the month of July. The grass is showing signs that it wants to be tended. I would not be surprised if Dennis takes after it tomorrow. A fellow can wait only so long before an engine needs to be ignited.
We took the little red pickup west on Main Street. After going around the block, we parked on Main Street facing East . . . right in front of Maria’s Salon. Oh goodie, goodie. We were ready for pedicures and haircuts. It is amazing how good the pampering feels. Before we left her shop, I made an appointment for a month from now. We need to keep our priorities in shape. I came home and put the appointment on the calendar for September. Oh my gosh! The first and only entry of September. Thank you Jesus.
The pampering felt so good, I didn’t mind having Dennis stop at our local grocer’s for some items. It is not quite highway robbery. As our calendars are no longer eaten up with medical appointments making trips down the highway to Mankato, as we then shopped in Mankato. I do not mind shopping in town . . . I need to keep an eye on the sell by dates for perishables.
A salad for me is what a meal should be built around. Too often though, I would buy a head of lettuce to find a huge portion not good. I have learned to buy salad kits. Chopped lettuce with a bit of carrot slivers, croutons, some sunflower seeds, bits of beets and a package of dressing . . . all in one bag. A salad in a kit. There are different contents with different varieties. I can always add some shredded cheese, chopped onion or even a boiled egg. The salad kit is my one extravagance with food. When Dennis thinks salad, it is a portion in his bowl that a half cup measuring cup would still have room for an entrée. Do not care . . . I like what I like.
The egg salad I made yesterday was a huge hit with the ole cowboy. It’s been hot enough that even his favorite Progressive Chicken Noodle Soup has been off the menu.