Challenges on Stauffer #2

Day five and all is well.   An extra concern from the surgery is the fact that since my hysterectomy in 1991 and complications thereafter my bladder is now augmented – a portion of my small intestine was used for urine collection and I need to manually use a catheter to empty several times a day.  Being right handed and having a new right shoulder created an additional challenge.

The surgeon knew that learning to self cath with the left hand would not prove successful as the brain is in charge of muscle memory and after more than 20 years Plan B would be needed – a Foley catheter inserted and remaining  in for at least a week and perhaps more for urine collection.

Dennis and I arrived home from the Mankao Hospital the day after the shoulder surgery in time for a light noon lunch.  By five that afternoon we were checking into the St. James ER of our hospital – the catheter was blocked and needed to be irrigated as the pressure of bags and bags of saline coursing  through the body was demanding attention.

Being under anesthetics during surgery and having a lot of drugs in my system had altered the rhythm of that bodily function. The staff at our hospital was great and with working through the possibilities that this would happen often we came home with additional supplies and an open door policy if needed.  The bladder augmentation using a portion of the small intestine containing the mucus found in that original tissue would always continue to slough off the mucus as if it were still in charge of fecal waste.  During my usual day to day living the small amount expelled each time I cathed caused no problems.  Surgery alters much and this challenge is being dealt with and kept in perspective. Having a successful recovery with a mobile shoulder is the target – the rest is just a bump in the road.

In the real world it would be a God send to fall asleep and awake after surgery with attention being needed only on the surgical site and progress with therapy.  Being prepared for what presents itself is keeping an open mind.  We are amazing creations of our Lord and Savior and I do honor that God has given me the ability to be a steward of this body for continued service to Him.——my hunt and pecking on the keyboard needs a huge break.