Let it Be
This year the garden spots are on their own. Whatever can come up and be proud . . . let it be. If we could have more than a tiny sprinkle of rain, there are some weeds I could pull. Me and a hoe do not get along. I think the jewels of purple blooms at the picket fence may very well be a weed. Each year I marvel at these plants. I am sure they multiply by the seeds they drop. We now have some on the east side of the house. Whatever they are, I enjoy them and I encourage more next year.
I did work in the studio for a time today. My shoulders, arms and hand recovered quite well from some free motion quilting yesterday. What I didn’t count on was my right knee. Having the pedal to the metal yesterday . . . the knee sent me a message during the night. Today as I have been stitching, I am using my left knee on what I call, “the foot feed.” Many sewing machines have a bar on the right side of the sewing machine cabinet that engages the stitching when the knee puts pressure on the bar. I think I could have sewn an entire wardrobe of clothing without the knee bucking. Free motion is a whole bunch of stitches. I have gone through six full bobbins.
I have started a new book to enjoy whilst in my bedroom porch sitting upon my cherry red chair. I picked books off of the “free” shelf. It doesn’t seem to bother with who the author is . . . I can easily get with the program. With reading, sewing and some YouTube channels, my days have a good balance. I am contemplating adding one more diversion. I have not done any counted cross stitch since . . . it seems like forever. I have checked things out and a design called a sampler can be done in just one color. I am leaning towards that. Simplistic and yet satisfying. I’ll let you know how that will go.
In thinking, I believe there is a whole bunch of items in my world with the “let it be.”