Great Sunday
It was a very cool morning, and . . . I loved it. An oatmeal and flax meal hot breakfast and I was out the door. There was that Elm tree that needed the lopper treatment. After some of our older Lilacs were cut down last summer, there is no shortage of young plants coming off of those stumps. Yes, we would enjoy that privacy between neighbors again as these young plants grow. We do not need as many as what shot out of the ground. With my clipper this morning, I decided to cut off those that were intruding into the Hosta area. I know if I continue to whack and stack some of them, they will decide to die back.
While I was doing gardening, Dennis had a pail of Dawn dishwashing liquid in his trusty pail. The tracks of the three slider doors were caked with dirt from the winter. A bit of elbow grease did wonders. The garden hose was strung out, the doors were closed and the tracks were flushed out. We both couldn’t figure out where all the clatter was coming from. Snuggles was off chasing a squirrel up the oak tree in the neighbor’s yard. There was bark flying from his claws. He was a good thirty feet up in the tree. I think he surprised himself. No squirrel was caught. After a time he decided to back himself down.
By 10:30 I had accomplished what I set out to do in the gardens. The studio was my next stop. Dennis came down with his cup of coffee this afternoon to see how things were progressing. Of course I had KNUJ radio on.
It is now 2:30 this afternoon and the two backings for these two quilts have been cut and sewn together. The quilt tops are 75″ x 75″ and the backings are 84″ x 85″. Sewing two lengths of 44″ wide, less the salvage, is making up the backings. The last thing I did was open up one of the packages of batting. It has been unfolded and taking air on the church tables after having been crunched into a plastic bag.
Perhaps tomorrow I will tackle securing one of the backings on the church tables with an arsenal of thumbtacks and strapping tape. It needs to be as taut as I can make it.
The lights are going to be turned off in the studio and I might take a cup of cold coffee and join Dennis on the front deck. It is a wonderful cool day.