No Breeze

The air is quite still today.  Having July weather in June . . . not much fun.

I am not sure if the covid months brought along the “Home Sweet Home” for the two of us on Stauffer or if we are just very content.  I vote for the later.

Both Dennis and I get a good night’s rest and then take on the new day for what it may bring.  Maybe the old adage:  if you expect a lot, you won’t be disappointed.  Naw!  That’s not for me.  It’s not unusual for me to have a portion of my next day plotted as I drift off to sleep.

I have subscribed to two channels on YouTube.  One is an English gal that lives on the border to Scotland.  She is into sewing and brings to the table a different thought process to quilting.  Most of her quilts of various sizes are quilted as the sandwiched layers lay on her table top.  When the needle hits the wooden table top, up comes the needle and that is a stitch.  Interesting.

The second channel is from a gal in Indiana.  Mother of seven that quilts, sews and does counted cross stitch.  She has a long arm up in her attic, complete with the knee walls.  When she gave a tour of her sewing room, I can’t imagine how they got the long arm set up in such tight quarters.  I can tell from seeing her hands, she has quite a bit of arthritis.  I like her thought on stitching.  One thread at a time . . . one stitch at a time . . . you can make headways.  I am seriously thinking of tackling a cross stitch project doing as she does, samplers all done in black.

What is sweet about this is that I can watch their videos on our television while I am in my Teak rocking chair.  I don’t care if some of the videos are old, they are new to me.

One-DoneToday, Dennis came down to the studio.  He needed to lay out the next sixteen blocks of the ready-to-sew t-shirt blocks.  He hemmed and hawed as he tried different layouts while I sewed borders onto the first of the two projects.  However they are on the table top is how I will work them into the next step.  One of the quilt tops is ready for its next step of being quilted.  I am not prejudging if I will quilt it after sandwiching it or if Old Alley will get it.  I won’t decide until both tops are done. 

I am closing up shop early today.  The arms have done well and it is time to sit in my cherry red reading chair.  I started a new book.