Short Night
Yesterday in the afternoon we did have rain. The heavens rumbled nonstop into the evening. So much muted noise.
At 2:40 I sat straight up in bed. The wind was coming in all directions and it was a white-out of rain with thunder. I was wide awake as I navigated the house. The rain continued on. About 4:30 I felt the slumber creeping in and slept until seven. Dennis had not heard a thing.
The only item on the docket for today was a pedicure and a half up town at eleven. I like Maria’s work and so does Dennis. Maria is easy to visit with. One thing I would like to share. Maria grew up following truck farming across much of the USA. When her and Dennis visited about the economy, she told of working on an onion farm. She received $.40 per bushel of onions that were harvested. Yes . . . it took a lot of bushels to make a living wage for a day. Interesting to expand our awareness of others that live among us.
When we got home Dennis and I raked up Maple tree seeds. Man were they thick this year! Those seeds fall off of the tree in clumps. If the clumps lay where they fell, a clump of small Maple trees will be there in no time flat. We will tackle a bit more of them tomorrow.
Dennis wanted to get some chairs out of the potting shed to put on the patio under the umbrella. He manned the water hose with some soap and a brush to get off the winter’s dirt. I wanted to pot up some Russian Sage for Dennis’ daughter. Those plants are perennials and take a lot of full hot sun. I finally had to use a lopper to clip the roots from a parent plant as they do spread via the root much like quack grass. We will leave the Russian Sage at her house putting the container in the shade so she can work with it at her own pace after she gets home from work when we see the wound doctor on the first of June.
When we called it a day from being outside, we were both red in the face. At three this afternoon it was 85 degrees with a nice breeze.
There is always something to do when owning property. It does beat living in an apartment complex. There is no such thing as being bored on Stauffer Avenue. It’s my personal belief that only boring people get bored.