Happy Monday

I was wide awake at six this morning ready to have a happy Monday.  With one load of laundry under my belt, the studio was my targeted destination.

Just as early, Dennis took his breakfast box and coffee out to the patio porch.  His breakfast box holds a banana nut muffin that came out of the freezer last night, several cookies from the counter container and a plastic fork with which to eat the muffin.  The muffins from Sam’s Club are huge.  With very cool mornings, a nap may very well ensue with a cat on the lap.  

My breakfast is usually an English muffin with jam that can fill all the holes in the English muffin.  All the items on the computer that I check each morning include, Outlook emails, Facebook, the blog site and our bank site.  By that time I had enjoyed two cups of rich coffee with cream.  Studio, here I come!  All the lights that can be turned on . . . are.  I don’t have the radio on every day.  Sometimes, with the dehumidifier going, the occasional running of the sump pump and the embroidery module going . . . enough is enough.

We checked in with each other over a sandwich at noon.  By that time I had finished all the coffee and settled for a glass of water and Dennis had his glass of orange juice.  Dennis’ plan for the afternoon was to mow the east portion of our acre.  There was a strip of Hosta in this east part that included the Plume grass that comes up every year, much like quack.  Dennis burned off the grass earlier.  The birds had pretty well taken all the seeds off of it during the winter.  I gave him my thumbs up to mow over the strip that might have had Hosta coming up.  I offered the Hosta to two of Dennis’ family members for two years.  Lots of good intentions on their part with nothing forth coming.  I don’t care to take care of anything more than what is around the patio porch and the patios.

The studio work is really going well.  With what is stitching out today, I will need to find two additional designs for each of the twin-sized quilts, making sixteen blocks for each.  As the stitching was going on, I downloaded one design that included, a fire hydrant, a fireman’s hat and a fireman’s hose.  I also liked a design from another site that had a nondescript heart with the word “Family” in the middle of it.  The jury is still out on that one.

Enjoy this 8th of May.  My goodness, when I did catch the news of several small tornados that touched down on Saturday, I gave thanks that we and our families were safe.