A Brick

Today would have been a good day to have your favorite brick in the undies.  The wind at 20 – 23 mph hour makes this 50 degrees feel very cool.

Hmm.  My sewing tables are bare nekkid.  Some time back a family member had reached out from the family tree about making a t-shirt quilt as he had retired from his local fire station.  This was pre-AJ and his Harley quilt.  Why not!

Today a car came from Gibbon.  My dad’s sister, Esther. was married to Theophil Opitz.  Their son Wayne settled in Gibbon.  Wayne’s son, Michael, was the retired fireman.  Wayne and his wife Jean had never been to our home and had decided to ride along with Michael and his son Jaden.  What a treat.

I now have church tables that look busy and happy.  Dennis has already signed up to cut t-shirts apart.  What a guy!  Michael would like two twin sized quilts out of his shirts for each of his two sons, Jaden and Wyatt.  I can do whatever as I go along and there is no timeframe.  Sweet!

We have come home from a friend’s 87th birthday coffee.  Late day coffee with cake.  What’s not to like.  There will be a light supper of soup for supper.

I came home to have a chat with the Fairfax team via the phone.  Amazing when your family looks out for items that I may well put into service in the studio.  The studio does after all have a certain standard to uphold.  Dennis and I will do a road trip sometime to the fair city of Fairfax.

Today is the first day for the Fairfax tulips to open.  They have been gracing our home for some time.  Kevin and Kersten rescued the pots of spent tulips after a Valentine’s day.  The pots came to St. James for the tulip bulbs to be cleaned and dried for planting that fall.  They are the darkest of reds and enjoyed each spring. 

Have a great weekend and be ready to welcome May on Monday.