The Sun!

The sun is out and we are six days into April.  Our internal clocks tell us we need to be outside in our yards. Ya . . . right!  The wind with cool temps makes it feel downright raw to be outside.

I did go and move a few things from the backdoor that we won’t be needing.  Snow shovels need to get a break.  Dennis swept out the back of his pickup from months of having shell corn dribble out of the five gallon pails.  The deer are on their own.  Whatever was swept out will be gone before we realize it.

This morning we had an appointment five blocks from our home at ten.  Dennis and I had pedicures.  Actually a pedicure and a half.  Dennis knows how important it is to keep the right foot in mint condition.

Even with my electric heater in the studio, it can’t compete with ice cold water running along the perimeter of the tile around the floor.  Hearing the trickle of the water making its way along the tile to the corner where the sump pump is, makes it seem even the more chilly.

Today is Maundy Thursday.  I don’t remember the exact date, but I will always remember that my dad, Raymond, passed away on a Maundy Thursday.

Today, I will dwell on the fact that we had sunshine,  The warmer temps are bound to follow . . . sometime.