Thursday the 22nd

This is the type of day, I am thankful I can stay indoors.

Dennis’ grandson, Ryan, stopped by with nephew Brett’s skidloader.   It has saved our neighbor Randy from coming over after Randy gets off of work.

The gusts of the wind from the northwest are fierce.  We have taken our small American flag in to save it from being shredded on the steel stake that normally holds it.  As I sit here in the living room, I can see across the street to the neighbor’s American flag that was whole last week and now has shreds.

Dennis is spending time in the patio porch this afternoon.  The three Kitties seem to appreciate the company.  In a perfect world we could have a fur baby in our home.  The ultimate word is “a” fur baby.  Now with the three kitties in the patio porch it would be hard separating them and no way am I about putting up with fur baby fur . . . everywhere, in every nook and cranny.  Kitties don’t stay on the floor.  As long as Dennis enjoys his patio porch, the kitties have a good home . . . safe, sound and warm.

There is more of the oven meal left for us to enjoy for supper.  We do so enjoy leftovers.

With winds whipping, it sure hasn’t slowed down the traffic past our home.  That does to speak to our heavy duty vehicles.  Our vehicles are doing just fine in our garages.