Wash Out
It has rained just enough that my yard work is a bit on the muddy side. I am anticipating that tomorrow the ground will be wet enough, I can pull some volunteer mustard out that seems to be prevalent.
I had gotten the four log cabin blocks done on on my sewing project. I am now on to the half square triangle blocks. A total of 32 plain blocks and 32 printed blocks lying right sides together were needed. By drawing a line down the middle, it is a guide to sew a 1/4 seam allowance down each side of the stitching. Then the block is cut on the drawn line. The block is flipped open, pressed and the results are 64 of the half square triangle blocks.
Yes . . . this project called Long Time Ago is taking me a long time. Dah! Where do I think I am going in a hurry. My stitching was broken up by Dennis driving me from point to point in errands around town. Both Dennis and I take a vitamin specifically for eye health. It is a form of Omega 3. Wonder of wonders our eye clinic is out of them and they can’t say when they will be available. I was given a number that I could try and have them sent. Time will tell. Carrie tuned us in to Lemon Heads. They are a sour, sour little marble that works wonders when the mouth feels dry for . . . whatever reason. The Family Dollar sells them for a $1.00 a box. Dennis went a calling and came out with $13.00 worth. I guess he doesn’t plan on shopping too often.
Tonight’s fare is Progressive Soup. We had fried egg sandwiches this noon. Neither of us have had a physically strenuous day.
I did text Megan wishing her a Happy Baccalaureate day. Friday the Southwest Christian High School has their commencement ceremony. Dennis and I will look forward to being at Megan’s party in her home a bit later. Where oh where did these years go? It’s enough to make a Grammie sigh.