Warm Winds

This morning had me up a bit before six.  My main goal after coffee was to give the back entry a cleaning.  As I was shaking out the rug, I noticed how matted the grass was off of the sidewalk.

What ensued was raking the area by the back door and then over to where the recycling and garbage bins were.  I then went to check on the southwest corner of the house and spied several Fairfax tulips that were in bloom.  The Russian Sage is popping up.  I can’t wait to see the abundance of lavender blossoms on their stems.  North of the front steps the Autumn Joy are breaking ground.  As I went from spot to spot I raked out the dead stems from last fall.  By that time my arms were in need of a break.

The rest of the story from yesterday when I went to see Judy was that I brought home her sewing machine.  Her daughter and granddaughter would like to work with it, but Judy knew it needed cleaning and a once over.  Dennis carried it into the studio for me and in time, I will see what can be done.  From the appearance of the carrying case, it will surely need some TLC.

PineapplesAfter the noon break, I had very little to do to finish a total block other than sew the nine smaller blocks together of the pineapple design.  I am almost sure in nature there may not be perfect pineapples.  Well guess what?  Mine aren’t perfect either, but it sure was a fun challenge.  I have seven more of this design to sew.  Four in one area of the project and three additional ones in another corner.  I am going to ramp up the blocks by using different color combinations. My church tables are full of scraps ready to use.  

I did break down and tidy up the floor under the sewing machine.  Fuzz and thread abound in the jute back carpeting.  The best tool for getting it done was the Scotch lint roller.

Dennis has been just as busy as me.  Some of the cat hair is no more.  The shop vac got a good workout.  As the kitties will be spending more time outside, their baskets got an overhaul.  Some items are on the clothesline and I caught a whiff of the fire ring.  Spring cleaning 101.

The warm winds are nudging 72 degrees.  That is a huge change and it may bring storms.  Hang onto your bloomers gals.