Thursday the 17th
No wearing of the green here . . . just my everyday garb.
I did need a few groceries and a stop at our bank was needed. CCF had decided that my user name plus my passcode was not enough to check on our bank balance. The plan was either they would call and give me an additional code or I could click and the additional code would be sent to an additional search engine. Way too complicated for this Grammie. I inquired at the bank as to how many other older people found this cumbersome. Kathy told me that most other older people just call them for the balance on their accounts. Hmm. That could be time consuming for the employees. After the grocery store I got a call from the bank. Upon their inquiry, this additional security code could be shut off on our account. Halleluiah! Within 24 hours I should be back to a simplistic avenue for internet banking. It pays to look out for one’s self.
This morning, Dennis noted that there were a few short nails laying on his pickup garage floor. As he was picking them up, there was a commotion over head. With the new roof decking being put on that portion of the garage, coupled with the shingles being put on, a lathe that was holding up insulation on the interior had come loose from the vibrations. The commotion was caused by Snuggles needing to jump up into the cavity made by a loose lathe, causing a section of insulation coming down onto the pickup. Leave it to the garage kids to find mischief. If only there were a continual video going on in the patio porch. Priceless.
I pulled together some of mom’s printed field sack material and got it pressed for the upcoming quilt pattern from stitcher Lu. This pattern will take a lot of patience as it calls for a whole lot of pieces and three inch squares are on the large side. Oh well . . . where am I going?
If I thought I would be outside anytime soon picking up branches . . . not! As I walked around the garages yesterday taking in the shingling project, the grassy areas are like bogs. The studio be my location for some time to come.