Rain Drops

The crew from doing the shingle job on our garages and patio porch pulled out at 3:45 and now we have a few rain drops.

Difficult to believe that so much was done since nine this morning.  The main garage had had Unduleen on it since the early nineties.  It was all the craze.  The corrugated roofing soon could be seen in the countryside peeling the surface of it.  The only way we kept it as long as we did shedding water was to paint it every five years with latex exterior paint.  Dennis and I did it twice, grandson Ryan painted it once and the fourth time we hired it done.

The crew today was made up of eight.  Very few spoke any English.  The foreman, Zach, said he was always proud of how his crew worked together and got things done in a timely fashion.  There was one gal with beautiful long braids and could shingle right along with the rest of the crew.  She also manned the microwave that was brought out of their van and set up for the crew to have hot sandwiches.  Fairmont Roofing was a great choice for us.  This spring Fairmont Roofing has four crews going.

From our point of view, our garage that was built out of WWII pallets has served us well and will continue to do so with a new roof.  Who knows, perhaps pallets of that time may have been a darn sight stronger than some stuff in today’s market.

I admit, until the leaf blowers went to tidy up after the work was complete, I had butterflies.  This was huge for us to have gotten done to secure our forever home.

Going forward the job jar is empty.  Whew!