No Place Like Home
Be it ever so humble . . . there is no place like our home.
Some days I have more get up and go than others. I did manage to take down the Christmas valances a time ago and since then the living room almost echoes. The first step in getting something done is to start. Today . . . out came the spring-looking valances. Step one got done. I even pushed myself, and the valances are now laundered and dried. That will be it for that project today.
It may have been brisk out, but I did take a short walk on Stauffer Avenue after lunch. It felt right. If the forecasts are correct, it will feel even better next week. The good thing about it being so cold during the overnights is that it does help to freeze-dry some of the soft areas that are muddy. My kids loved mud when they were tots. Our back entry today does get items drug in with shoes. There would be no comparison to the back entry on Stauffer and of our farm home in Boon Lake Township.
The boots that the kids wore were pretty much slip-ons. It felt good that they could be independent. In from the outside, it was so easy to give each leg a kick in the air and the boot would come off. No, that’s not right . . . they flew off. Snoopy, our dog, slept in the back entry and would duck. It was not unusual to find mud splattered on the walls, and as the boot would continue in flight, it would bounce off of each basement step depositing whatever came in from the outside. There had even been an occasion or two where either Kevin and Carrie came in without a boot on a foot. Then the guessing game ensued. Where was the mud puddle that had a boot taking root in it!
Oh for memories. I have no shortage of them. The smallest of incidences in any given day brings a flood of the best times of my life. Sweet!