Sunny Day
Who cares that is it only 6 degrees above zero when the sun is bright and the beams are strong.
We had an appointment at the wound clinic this morning at 7:45. We had no idea what the road surfaces would be. When I know we have to get up early, it seems like my interior clock is going to make sure I am up and at ’em. That concept woke me up at four and I was wide awake. I started the coffee pot and Dennis was up in time to have the first cup of the Folgers.
Leaving a little after six, it was quite the surprise that the four lane highway was clear. No snow, no ice. Sweet.
We had great news from the doctor this morning. The incision site is looking much better. Hmm. Her notes say that the patient has three wounds on his left foot. She agreed that wooden shoes do nothing but cause skin . . . to rub from the patient doing any amount of walking. With the cold, Dennis has been a lot of . . . not moving much. The toe next to the big toe has a sore tip and the side of the little toe is not happy. We have our work cut out for us.
It was noted that on a scale of one to ten, the pulse notated in both feet would score a “2.” Friday the vascular study will be the rest of the story.
By the time we drove from the clinic to the Mayo Retail Store, the list of supplies had been put together that we will use changing the dressings every other day. Did you know that iodine can come in a thick paste? The picnic basket I had been using for supplies is not large enough for what we came home with. Thank you insurance. We will go back March 5th for a looksee and these supplies are for that duration.
Dennis has napped in the recliner since we have been home and now he and Snuggles are in the rocking chair in the patio porch. Snuggles has become quite the lap cat. I am holding out until nine tonight and I will then be off the clock. Sweet.
I have tomorrow off and you can about guess where I will be: KNUJ radio on loud enough to drown out any requests from the first floor of our home. Whether I get anything done is totally not the point. I will be in my zone.