A Cold Morning

I was a bit taken aback when I realized I had taken off for the grocery store and it was -7 degrees.  The cold had not stopped anyone.  The store was packed.  When I saw what was in many of the carts, I remembered tomorrow was a football game.

The sun is bright and with no wind, there is a saving grace.  When I sat in our west porch for a time at noon and read, I could feel the warmth of the sun coming into the south windows.  That couldn’t be said for the studio.  The two small south windows don’t do much to warm a concrete floor . . . but my shoes keep my feet warm.

Listening to KNUJ, I think every area that has any sized body of water is, or has had a fishing contest.  Hopefully there were some skillets hot on the coals to fry up a few while some were busy catching their limit.

3-PinwheelsI will say I was excited to see if the glue had held the pinwheels together.  If the light catches them in just the right way there can be seen a glistening bit of glue.  Hmm.  Better to be safe than sorry.  My mini-quilt top now has on the borders . . . making theTop-finishedIMG_1924-Small top complete.  It has a folksy finish to it.  I used the fabric that came with the kit.  I know there are more steps but first there has to be some serious vacuuming done in the studio. Hard as I try to hit the circular files, and I have plenty of them sitting around, the threads and fuzz have a mind of their own.

Sometime, I need to pull out my tote of quilt batting to see if I have something to use on the mini-quilt.  Last year when Brett was finished with a project on his long arm, regardless of the size, he gave me the extra batting.  I had tape that was sold expressly for putting pieces of batting together.  I know for the backing and binding, I am set and do not need to purchase anything.  What I will do in the next days is think on how I will free motion quilt this top.  Yup, I will be humming “Bringing in the Sheaves” to keep my rhythm.  With several blocks having clear vinyl on them, it will take some pondering.  In the mean time the instruction booklet will be added to the library of patterns on the shelf.

There were six ample sized meatballs in the freezer.  I did not want to cook up pasta for a “dish for two.” In the grocery store, I bought a can of Spaghettios.  It has been decades since that found its way into the cart.  It will work out just fine.