The Most Great of All Births

This is the eve of the birth of Jesus.  I can only imagine the weariness of the shepherds as they followed the star.  The wise men may have followed their trail, and they came in meekness as they offered their gifts. 

Today I feel weariness as I prepare my gifts from my kitchen for those that are coming to our humble home.  Having guests on Christmas day as well as the day after does not dim the excitement to make each day special.

Dennis has been busy making beds in the porch for his kitties.  A remodeling is ensuing.  He felt that they are all getting older and a more substantial basket was needed. The day is gray but the temps are liking the 40s. 

I am hoping we can do a light supper as this Grammie is “food prepped” out and no, the pie does not get cut into.

I have sent out greetings to many and this is a Merry Christmas to all.