
Weathermen must be so proud when they are right on with their forecasts.

When I got up at 7:15 no snow was falling.  I looked out the bathroom window and realized the temps yesterday had totally cleaned off the patio of snow and ice.  It was my time to strike.  For days it had bothered me that the clapper of the wind chimes on the corner of the patio porch had gotten hung up on the bracket of the clothesline.  It wasn’t a surprise as the winds had been horrible.

I slipped on some shoes and donning my nightie, I was out the door with my cane and across the patio I went to release the clapper.  I was so satisfied I didn’t hurry to get back into the house.  I knew there was no chance of being locked out, so I took deep breaths of the moist, crisp air.  I had barely gotten back into the house, slipped off my shoes when I looked through the bathroom window.  The wet rain mixed with snow was falling.  This had been meant to be.  It’s the little things in life that can bring so much satisfaction.  Had I mentioned this task out loud, it would not have been understood enough to have gotten done in a timely manner.  Now the windchimes can clang away!

While I had the bedding going in the laundry, I opened the container that had the Christmas ornaments in it.  The tall skinny tree is what fits our living room. The short stubby branches leave somewhat of a challenge.  Never fear, I will persevere.  While I had a break from finding the right treasure for each spot on the tree,  I put the Department 56 Nativity on the shelf in the west porch.  The 18 piece set warms my heart when I put it up.  Had not this been a purchase when a drug store in New Ulm closed its doors years ago and wanted inventory . . . out the door, I would never have been able to purchase something this wonderful.  I totally enjoy the story that these pieces tell of.

Randy has just left our drive with his long green line.  Though the snow is still coming down, Randy does like to take the snow out mid-way through what is told will be the total of perhaps 10 inches.  Randy’s drive is gravel and Jan has said he thinks doing our drive of concrete is a treat.

I have a bit more time to put a few more items on the tree.  My hope is to get it done while it is still a Friday.  After all, my studio is calling.