Oh My Goodness

The checkup today on the missing toe sight went well.  Initially, Dennis’ foot was wrapped for four weeks after surgery.  When the wrappings came off the stitches were also removed at that time.  What was a surprise at that time was the bunion area of that foot.  It looked angry, and we were told to put moisturizer on it.

Today that bunion area took the focal point.  It is now deemed an open wound.  Dennis will be on antibiotics for seven days.  Once a day I am to bathe the wound via gauze with Acetic Acid and cover with a self adhesive soft silicone foam dressing.  We will be returning in two weeks for yet another checkup.  What was cleaned out to make it an open wound were gout crystals very easily identified even from where I was sitting, as well as drainage once the area was opened up.  Oh my goodness.  Talk about what can happen, will happen.  

On the way home, we stopped in Lake Crystal for a Dairy Queen cone.  First one in 2021.  We thought a treat was warranted . . . and it was.

It was so good to get home.  It feels like we need some serious home time . . . I surely do.  I do very easily get worn out if home time is denied me.  Three trips in four day to the big city does wear on one . . . meaning ME!

At 4:15 it is 44 degrees but the sky is very gray.  I just checked the patio porch through the bathroom window and Dennis has nodded off.  I can’t say I blame him.

Tomorrow is bound to have new energy for us.  The little red pickup deserves a break.