No Dust on a Tuesday
Dennis and I are both on the move on this wonderful Tuesday . . . not letting any dust settle on us.
Dennis and Dwayne loaded a snowblower that Kevin had sent home with us. It is now at the repair man’s property that is north of here on Hwy #4. Charlie said he would have time to do it after the crops were off of the fields. It will most likely stay on the two wheel trailer until it is ready to use and bring back home. Those two 85 year young do work well together.
For me, it was going through the first floor and making tidy. We do have people dropping in unexpectedly. With a small home it only takes two items out of place to make it look as if the person to make “tidy” has gone AWOL.
The PT appointment was at 10:45 and I would not have missed that for all the Folgers on Stauffer. Mike T admits I don’t have a lot of cushion to protect the muscles and tendons that run across the tail bone. Consequently it smarts to sit. I don’t sit very long in any one place.
As I can stand at my sewing machine, I am tackling Jennifer’s Christmas stockings. The flannel stockings will be lined. I am able to add a decoration before sewing the two halves of the flannel together. The red flannel will be the cuff at the top. The stocking that Jennifer’s mom made is of vintage flannel and is awesome. I am beginning with two socks to see how it all comes together. I enjoy trying new things. I know that my mom, Lena, made stockings for all the grandchildren many decades ago out of red felt. Dad, Raymond, cut out the letters that spelled each child’s name. I don’t remember if they were sewn on or glued on.
I will check to see if anyone needs a new stocking . . . or perhaps a bigger one.
The afternoon is bright with 54 degrees. I couldn’t take my usual walk on Stauffer as the city has spread crushed asphalt over the entire width of the street. I really didn’t want to get that in the waffle type rubber soles of my shoes. I did quite a few laps up and down the drive and also the patio as it winds around the patio porch.
On a bright note, the boxelders are slowing down. It was getting to the point that we were getting pyrenoid when we saw a fuzz on the floor. My aunt Janet says they bite. A boxelder never had a chance on either of us to try it.
Tomorrow is a free day. There should be nothing that warrants taking the vehicles out of the garage. That is subject to change. Blessed is the calm of a fall day when the only creatures that are in a hurry are the squirrels looking for the sweet spot to bury just one more black walnut.