Quiet Day

If you are seeking a quiet day and don’t quite know how to pull it off, I have a recommendation.  I can recommend a comfortable chair that can be pulled up to a table top, a pair of tweezers, a seam ripper and a good radio station.  Pick away.  I did do some quilting today and when that petered out, it was time to pick stitches out of the opposite corner of the quilt.  I had thought that doing embroidered motifs on portions of the quilt would really work well . . . not!  Too dense of a stitch for the look.  Why fight it.  Take one stitch out at a time.  I won’t get either the quilting or the picking done today.  Who doesn’t like to have a project waiting in the wings. 

Dennis also has a project that is taking patience.  The stripping of the chainsaw eagle is going well but slow.  He can really be proud of the results.  Choosing the type of poly spray is for another day.

This will be my last posting until Monday.  Tomorrow is Friday and we are heading out to Silver Bay in the northeast corner of the state.  Silver Bay is one hour north of Duluth.  Also close to Highway 2 where the fires are.  Dennis has a granddaughter, Taylor, celebrating her 30th birthday. More times than not that branch of the family does the six hour drive south to see family.  The highway does run both ways..  It has been quite some time that Dennis and I have seen the scenery along that way.

While listening to KDUZ radio, I learned that my cousin’s granddaughter was crowned Princess Kay at the state fair.  I am sure the Litchfield area is popping their buttons.  Sitting in a cooler for eight hours to have her likeness carved in butter would be not the best of all the accolades coming her way, but still quite the honor.  Knowing my cousin Dorothy, she is close at hand for moral support. 

Have a great weekend and Dennis and I will travel light and safely.