4th of July 2021

Oh my gosh for the 4th of July memories!  

About 65 years ago, our farm chores started extra early.  There was to be a huge 4th of July boat parade on Lake Alley just several miles from us.  Everyone had signed up early that would want to participate.

Dad had been busy during the winter months getting ready.  Dead built us a family friendly pontoon boat.  Fifty gallon drum barrels had been scrounged, saved and cleaned.  Sheet metal had been welded for the cones for the front of the boat.  A railing went around the majority of the decking with fine chicken wire strung tight.  Safe and secure.  We had taken the pontoon out quite often that spring to various lakes for early spring bullheads. 

Our church’s Luther League decorated the boat for an entry, complete with a cross that Dad had built and mounted securely.  All of the decorating had been the day before by the leaguers and after chores we headed for the large pasture area on the south shore of the lake for the lineup.

A small community with a lake that wasn’t spectacular, had over 30 entries from around the area.  Dad’s boat was the only one that could hold more people than most.  The shores of the lake to the south and west were packed with picnickers and campers.  All of the homes on the east side of the lake had groves of friends and families to take it in.  

Hmm . . . memories.   The 4th has always been a time when a spot would be found for a picnic.  Until . . . July 4th, 1968, when the firecrackers brought a firecracker all of its own.  Kevin Michael Schafer was born in the Hutchinson Community hospital.

Our farm in Boon Lake Township became the spot for the 4th of July celebrations in 1969 and going forward for a time.  The rolling lawns around the house had room for all the family members from the Schafer, Wendlandt and Riebe families.  Close neighbors joined in.  Kevin’s grandmother, Esther Schafer, played the harmonica and accompanied Norman Riebe on the concertinas.  Fun family times with lots of food, fun and laughter.

Orlin had set up horse shoes, and a net for some birdies to take flight.  Nephew Frank gave rides in the wagon behind the rider lawn mower.  Something for everyone.   

Over the decades, of course, the 4th of July never goes by that my memory lacks evoking decades of memories.  As birthdays are and can be personnel, the day is now given over to the one born on that day to enjoy it.  Kevin’s day to do and be what is enjoyed.  It is after all “Independence Day.”

Today, on this 4th of July, these two older ones on Stauffer Avenue are having some patio sitting time before the forecasted heat of the day finds us.  Sweet day with much to enjoy during the quiet of the town where most have found a place to be.