This was the best patio-sitting weather we have had for one long time. Temps in the 70s with a breeze to blow my white hair at will. There is considerably less of it than there was several days ago. It was hair cut day on Thursday and I had Brenda trim it up and even do some thinning on the sides. I know from experience, the “hospital bed-hair” look. Why fight it.
It is actually a very quiet day for Dennis and me. What we could imagine that needed tending, fixing or stocking up on before next week . . . has been done. It is a more relaxed situation than being wheeled out of our home not knowing who or what has been left behind or for how long.
My ole cowboy is being left in the good hands of his family and friends. Did I have second thoughts of not having Dennis stay with me in Rochester? No. Dennis will be tending our home while being where he can, and will stay on track with meds, rest, nourishment and the constant support of the three patio kitties. The first thing I put in my hospital bag was my phone stand and phone charger. There will be no shortage of “Can you hear me now?” There are few things that are harder on the hardiest of family members than waiting. Dennis will be waiting for news while being able to put his head back on his rocker and checking out his eyelids for cracks. It will be for the best for the both of us.
I have been doing quite a bit of walking these last several days. Being in the Cat scan for the 45 minutes, it did a number on my back and hips. Talk about a hard surface. I also needed to have both of my arms held straight above my head for the scan. They needed to assist them in place and put a band with padding on my wrists to hold together where needed. Afterwards they gently helped them go to my sides. The reverse shoulders may not have been fond of it, but I surely didn’t want to have to repeat the scan by not getting the reading that was needed. I don’t know why it needed to be as cold as it was in the room. I know my teeth were chattering and that may have been in part that my heart rate needed to be brought down to 50 before the dye was injected into the IV. They apologized for it. With being cold, muscles tighten up and walking since then has helped to loosen up before the next instance will be taking place of not being mobile for a duration. The best news was that there was no narrowing or blockage of arteries and veins. It was all worth it.
With the great plans of Kevin and Carrie, Sunday evening, I will be in Rochester to finish up the tests on Monday morning bright and early. First thing on Tuesday, the 15th, I will be in the hands of the Lord and a skilled heart surgeon and his team.
This will be the last posting until I am back home on Stauffer Avenue from Saint Mary’s in Rochester. It’s been great folks and I will look forward to being with you soon.
“Because He Lives . . . I Can Face Tomorrow.”