Get a Grip
Everyone has heard the saying “get a grip.” It may be said for someone that is experiencing a good amount of angst.
I needed a grip this morning . . . literally. My breakfast is a bowl of plain yogurt, a dollop of Mott’s apple sauce topped with several tablespoons of flax meal. It is my yum breakfast. The 46 ounce plastic jar of sauce has a plastic screw type lid. Due to some previous incidents of various products, I make sure to check for secure closings to the best of my strength.
Getting everything back before eating, I made tracks to the refrigerator to put items back. With the door open, I used two hands to place the newly opened jar to its destination. My grip slipped and before I knew it, the heavy plastic jar took flight. It hit the edge of the stair tread that was to the immediate right. The force of 46 ounces of apple sauce, minus a few ounces, popped the lid. My oh my. I needed to get a grip in deciding the plan of action to get this cleaned up.
Out came the kitchen wastebasket and the roll of paper towels was taken off of the bracket at the kitchen sink. I scooped up globs of apple sauce one paper towel at a time. I was gaining on the floor and then realized the wall, the side of the refrig, the front of the refrig and the first step of the stairs going to the attic needed a lot of clean up. After the paper towels had done what they could, a hot soapy kitchen sink was filled and the rest of the cleanup ensued.
I did eat my breakfast that I had now worked hard for. A long walk down Stauffer Avenue did the trick to catch my breath, get a grip and realize that this had been the first mess that had happened since my left side is not quite working at its ultimate mobility.
Life happens in such a way that hopefully in the future, a small warning sound in the gray matter allows me to know . . . been there, done that. My best needs to be double checked.