God’s Grace
Each morning I pray to live in God’s grace. With my impatient nature, I need it throughout the day. Dennis can’t read my mind in regard to what I may need assist in or on. Choose my words and tone carefully and all will work out to His glory. Tough, but doable.
My gosh, having it feel like 18 degrees this morning, I did walk the drive and the patios for a brisk intake of fresh air if only long enough to take in our acre and front yard looking great after the haircut it had gotten yesterday. Well done . . . older ones on Stauffer Avenue. The winds were enough to make me walk a bit faster with my companion cane.
I was content giving the kitchen and bathroom some TLC. Get the local effort done before going to the grocery store. I had my grocery list ready to go and then I looked in the freshly-cleaned bathroom mirror. I have a lot of hair, but they are fine and hard to control on a quiet day, let alone a windy day. I brushed as best I could and was going to apply a bit of hair spray. Fingers on the left hand couldn’t budge the ignition button let alone hold the can. The right hand was in charge of spraying all around the head. The right side of my head is like a helmet. Let me just say the hair of the eyebrow on the left side of my head can take on hurricane force winds and not budge, while the actual hair on my head on that side didn’t get any spray at all. That’s okay, the grocery store still took my money regardless of the new hairstyle I was sporting.
It is the smallest of items that I realize were taken for granted. Yes, pushing the button on spray cans is right up there with the wire twists on a loaf of bread.
Let’s hear it for a good day!