Waiting for the Storm

It is a wait and see, and I see school buses going by in the early afternoon.  Anticipation is on high alert.  The forecast has the word “Blizzard” in it.

Just a note as to how the Butternut Squash pasta oven meal was received last night by Dennis.  He enjoyed supper immensely and did not notice a difference in this pasta compared to the usual.  Thumbs up.

I have been in the sewing studio today.  The latest project will be handed off to one of Dennis’ grandsons during the 2021 Christmas season.  The three grandsons have never received something from my sewing studio.  The granddaughters have enjoyed embroidered towels and each have received a blanket from sewing studio.  Girls are easy to sew for.  The fellows need a bit more than cute and the backing for this blanket says it all.

Squares-Sandwiched-1This blanket is flannel pieced with a touch of embroidery.  It is 55 x 62.  I had no intentions of purchasing anything other than what I currently had on hand for the project.  Score one for me.  The flannel was yardage as a hand-me-down.  The backing has been in the stashes for some time, and yes, at one time I did purchase it.  The batting was a leftover and a bit loftier than what would have been ideal. 

BackingFor a blanket that gets rough and tumble use, I wanted it sturdy but not with a lot of fuss and muss in the quilting of it.  Stitching in the ditch, following seams, was an option.  I chose an option for stitching in the ditch that also caught a good bit of the seam allowance.  Each 7″ block is secured with a bit of interest.  Stitch-in-Ditch-2I chose a photo of the back as it was indicated some of the loft and it was difficult to get a sense of the stitching from a photo of the top.  I am happy with the outcome.  It is fluffy and will bring comfort.  The stitch was from the huge amount of stitches that are preloaded on my sewing machine.  After a break from sitting at the machine I will pick out binding and then tuck it away until a time when it can be given.

KNUJ is still touting warnings of a blizzard.  When I checked the active radar on KEYC it looked as if the high winds will be our biggest challenge.  Time will tell.  Dennis said at noon he didn’t care how loudly the cats would cry to get outside . . . no dice.  Dennis is not having a repeat of the last storm and having to worry about where Harriet was for several days.  Those three cats are Dennis’ confidants.  What happens and is talked about in the patio porch stays in the patio porch.

Stay safe during these next days.  I would rather think about you than read about you.