Dirt Work

We had a day off yesterday when we went to visit my brother, Calvin, and his wife, Lois, in Decorah, Iowa.

Today we reveled in the fact that we had two inches of rain yesterday in the late day.  Dennis wanted to mow in the eastern part of the acre.  I talked him into first taking me to Fleet and Farm.  We bought lawn dirt.  Dennis would do his thing and I would do mine.

When the tree trimmer was at our property our neighbor to the north also had them do work on an Oak tree of theirs that had a lot of dead wood.  Ironically the tree guy couldn’t get at the dead wood via their yard.  My gracious ole cowboy spoke up and allowed the heavy truck with the lift basket to come onto our yard to manage their tree trimming.

Scotts-DirtThere is an old adage that says that “No good deed goes unpunished.”  Hmm.  Today we bought lawn dirt in two different trips.  We thought ten bags at a cubic foot each, thinking that would take care of the trenches from the heavy truck.  Nope.  It didn’t take long, I had used up those ten bags and we went back for ten more bags.  

The investment of dirt was actually a benefit for my health.  I like to mow around the house with my faithful push mower.  The ruts and trenches were deep enough that I didn’t trust myself walking over them let alone push the mower over them.  I can be clumsy.  My titanium knees and shoulders are worth more than many more bags of dirt to have helped out a neighbor.

Dirt-DoneHere we are at the end of a good Friday.  Dennis has 95% of the mowing done and I have the dirt work done.  The twenty cubic yards of dirt have filled in trenches and it is spread with additional fertilizer that was a freebie from Fleet. The grass seed that was spread has been watered down.  Yup!  We knocked it out of the park.  

It is cleanup time for us two and settling in for a light supper.  Who knows what tomorrow brings!