
I have been retired since February 2009.  There is still structure in my life, my weeks, etc.  There are some things in my day-to-day life that can very well have some leeway.  Dennis has been retired quite a few more years that I have.  Dennis’ structure has not slacked off one bit.  

Dennis reminds me of my dad, RW.  RW lived a very structured life in his days of being a farmer.  Dennis’ days include meals that are at the exact time every day . . . each day.  That’s not a bad thing.  Prep for the evening meals such as setting the table, getting prescriptions ready for each evening meal in addition the next morning’s is done by Dennis the exact same time prior to me being in the kitchen for the actual preparation of the meal.

Do I care for such hardened structure . . . no.  Is the hardened structure such a bad routine . . . no.   As Dennis and I have additional birthdays, there is always a chance that our memories for what those routines should be will diminish if not practiced each day. 

When I am deep in a sewing segue, and I hear that Dennis is in the house late in the afternoon, putting his routine in place, I do catch myself closing my eyes with perhaps a sigh as I know my segue is being put to rest.  Shutting down the sewing studio with the lights being shut off, the button of the sewing machine being pushed in, the iron being in the resting position shut off . . . all is well on Stauffer Avenue.  There is a schedule in place calling for the both of us to take leave of that, that may very well be overdone to a point of physical weariness or mental weariness.  Dennis may know more than I am aware of.  Tomorrow is another day for the retired on Stauffer Avenue.  What a blessing.