Sun and Done
The sun is so bright today, I had to close the sewing studio early and call it done, as much artificial light there may be down there, it is no substitute for the real deal.
I noticed that Dennis has had several of the patio slider doors open as I observed him with his vacuum in hand. His three dwellers have not been outside much this winter. When one of the three cats have wandered through the doorways, they don’t last long and the first thing they do is clean off the paws. They have gotten spoiled this winter.
Our coconut oven dish from yesterday was so-so. It was part custard pie and part custard pudding. I will be using whole milk the next time for that extra added fat that custards need. Rather than one half cup of Bisquick that settles in to making the self crust, I will try three-fourths cup. Of course what is in the pie pan will not go to waste. The flavor was wonderful.
This wonderful weather must hold out until Tuesday! Tomorrow the stitchers are going to get together in Mankato. We had to bug out last week Monday due to the weather. Way too many cancellations due to weather over the recent months. Once a month gives us a chance to share, vent and explore what has been going on in their own sewing studios. No . . . there is no door prize as to who has broken the most needles while working their whiles.
Dennis’ knee is gaining strength and I say “hats off.” He has been working it each and every day. As much as this has pained him, I have checked every day and there was no visual sign of swelling or redness. Deep inside there may be a tendon that got pissed off and retaliated. I do know what it feels like when the body sends strong messages to “do no harm.” Hopefully we live and learn and get our strength up for the next onslaught.
I am about to hit our pantry shelves and see if there will be a bit of a grocery list to go to Mankato with me tomorrow. Either Cubs or Hy-Vee . . . gotta love the variety.
By the way . . . the sun is streaming through the west windows and being splayed onto the laminate flooring in the living room. There is no hints of dust and such from the floor show. Yes! That new vac did a fantastic job. It always griped me when the Swiffer would leave teeny tiny dust particles showing on the floors in the sunlight. I know! Tell me I don’t need to get out of the house and out of town for tomorrow!